Us "Party Girls" use any excuse to get pretty a have a party!...

NatalieWhether it is a birthday, anniversary, Christmas, New Years, a visiting sister, or any other special occasion, we love to get together for a party! (Plus, it gives us the excuse that we just have to run out and buy a new dress!)

Our home parties give our members a fun place to get out and have fun with the girls. Many bring along their wives or girlfriends, so that both can enjoy an evening out with friends.

Much different than a night club setting, our home parties give us the chance to get together for "Girl Talk" and even a little dancing.

These parties give the girls who are not yet comfortable going out in public, another place to go and enjoy their "girl time", since they can change when they get there, and before they leave if they choose to.

Angela, Sabrina & Natalie
Shandi, Vanessa & Natalie

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All photos are used with permission.

© Masquerade 2009