Space Girls
On Saturday, May 17, 2008, the Space Girls performed on stage at Winnipeg's biggest science fiction convention KeyCon helping celebrate KeyCon's 25th Anniversary!
Space Girls
On Saturday, December 15, 2007
Space Girls
On Saturday, November 10, 2007
Space Girls
On Friday, June 22, 2007, the Space Girls performed on stage at the Empire Cabaret for a benefit for Heaven's Little Angel
Space Girls
On Sunday, February 25, 2007, the Space Girls "Re-United" for a special performance celebrationg Masquerade's 10th Anniversary at a Gala Event held at Gio's!
Space Girls
On Sunday, February 25, 2007, the Space Girls "Re-United" for a special performance celebrationg Masquerade's 10th Anniversary at a Gala Event held at Gio's!
Space Girls
On Friday, November 17, 2005, the Space Girls performed on stage at Club 200 during the Miss Club 200 Pagent!
Space Girls
On Friday, November 11, 2005, the Space Girls performed on stage at Club 200 during the Sequins In Concert IV show!
Space Girls
On Saturday, October 21, 2005, the "Space Girls Next Generation" performed on stage at Club Deside during the International Drag King Extravaganza.
Space Girls
On Saturday, August 20, 2005, the "Space Girls Next Generation" put on show at the Black & Blue Ball, a Winnipeg fetish event. Since there are no cameras allowed at the B & B only the pre-performance pics are presented here.
Space Girls
On Saturday, April 16, 2005, the "Space Girls Next Generation" put on a wonderful performance during the "Sequins 3 In Concert" show at Gio's!
Space Girls
On Saturday, July 17, 2004, the "Space Girls Next Generation" put on a wonderful performance at the Snowy Owl Monarchist Society Coronation evening.
The Space Girls
On Friday, February 20, 2004, the "Space Girls Next Generation" put on a wonderful performance at Club Happenings to raise money for a DVD player and VCR for use by Club Happenings and Masquerade!
As an added bonus, it was Chantal's first time on stage, and there were solo perfomances by Charm and the girls. Plus, we were honored to have a special guest appearance by Destiny!
Past performances....
Space Girls
Space Girls At Gio's |
Space Girls At Gio's |
Well as promised after a lot of rehearsing we're back! The new Space Girls made their debut at Club 200 on Thursday March 28 and left them screaming for encores! It was so great!We did four numbers, "Wannabe", "Who Do You Think You Are", "Viva Forever", and "Stop".
The audience loved us and we had a fabulous time! They cheered whenever we took the stage and were generous with their tips and applause! We will most certainly be performing regularly from now on! Do I sound like I'm gushing? Well good, 'cause I am! It was so great to see all our hard work and practice pay off. We are going to start right away on new songs, and of course new outfits!
On with the show!! The Space GirlsPerforming at |
Special thanks Sabrina, Jennifer, Mary, Andrea, Bruce & Kristine, Vanessa's Mom, Heather, Warren & Helen, Natalie's Friends, Brent & Bob, and Charm, for coming down to support us. Extra thanks to Sabrina, Andrea, and Brent for taking lots of awesome photos of us and to Charm, for video taping the show. You were all so wonderful you made us feel like superstars!
(Click on the pics for a larger image)
We would like to extend our appreciation to Empress II Anita Stallion for inviting us and to Imperial Crown Princess Hilary Brookes for being an awesome MC!
New outfits and new attitude!!!
The event featured many other new stars who we hope to see more of! It was a fund raiser for the Snowy Owl Monarchist Society's charities so we hope enough money was raised to make a difference. Needless to say we hope that we can help raise more in the future.Hope to see you at one of our shows! We will be listing them on the the Masquerade web site calendar as we book them! Remember all the money raised at SOMS events goes to charity so come on out have a great time and help out!
Write to the Space Girls c/o Shandi at
© Masquerade 2007